The big news around here, of course, is the arrival of our first child, Maggie James! She's very healthy, she was born in Everett on the 25th at 1:18 AM, and she weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces at birth. Needless to say our lives have been dramaticaly different in the last few days and at times the challenge seemed overwhelming but we're making it through and our lives are actually starting to calm down a bit as we learn more about our baby girl. Are all first time parents so clueless? We've learned it makes a huge difference when you actually feed your baby until they're full! The truth is that Maggie is a very sweet girl with an amazingly calm temperment and we're very grateful for that. She loves to look around at her new home and didn't close her eyes for hours after she was born! And this might sound a little biased but she's also the most beautiful, most perfect, baby in the whole world! Cruise on over to our pictures page if you don't believe me.

Overall we're very tired, James is sick from lack of sleep, we have no money, and still feel overwhelmed at times but we have great family for support and most importantly we have a little girl to love and take care of and we couldn't be happier about that.

Oh! And stay tuned for more updates on a more frequent basis now that we have a baby to show off and all we'll have a ton more content! Later!